A Change Is Gon' Come...

Why is it people always try to convince you that a wealth of choices is a good thing. It is not! It is NOT! I feel like I've reached (yet another) critical juncture in my life, with many many choices and I don't know what to do! Here's what I do know (short list):
  1. I know I need a job (as in a proper one, the one I have at the moment sooooo doesn't count). I know I need to keep sending CV's and covering letters, filling out evil application forms and being open about networking my way into a job, but honestly I'm sick of it! I feel like I'm turning circles and getting nowhere.
  2. I know that I need to better organise my time. I never seem to have enough of it, I'm sick of forever running late and forever running low on the energy required to speed me up to catch-up in my own life!
  3. I know that I want to be with this dude. However, I'm not sure if it wise and I don't know how in HELL. I'm going to cope with the BMD (baby-mama drama) which seems sure to follow.
  4. I know that I need to work on my finances. But than that just sends me back into a stress about job hunting....pleeeeeeeeeease let's not go there again, yeah?
  5. I know that I want to work on my relationship with God. This is a no brainer for me I guess because I just have to do it...but then comes up the genuine, 'I have no time' which for some reason always sounds insincere. And I guess if I could become a little more organised...
Come to think of it if I sort out my relationship with God I'd probably be able to sort out all the rest, right? But honestly, it's all so very frustrating! I keep thinking that whatever decision I do make may end up shaping me for life. And that's a scary thought!


Sankofa said...

I FEEL you on the whole having too much choice thing. However, I really do believe #5 will go a loooooong way in sorting out the rest. Good luck!

Tracie Nall said...

I'm right there with you on this list! And I keep telling my self that if I take care of #5, everything else will be fine....now I just need to listen to my own advice. Making that leap that is going to shape your life is scary, but if you have got God leading you, it will work out okay.

Nsoromma...Child of the Heavens said...

Today I had a long overdue talk with my sis, #5 is definitely going to need to come and I have now decide that all I really need to do following the Lord and everything will fall into place. Oh I love my sis, where would I be without her!

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