Monday Rant!

Hey guys,

As usual it's Monday and I feel like venting. Here we go:

FIRST, of all I work part-time in a job I hate but essentially depend on while I am looking for something better....yada, ya, right? Except I just officially found out that I am entitled to about 3 days holiday because I was put on a contract that I DID NOT WANT of 16 hours. But most weeks I work a straight 40 hours. WTF?!?!?!?!

Since I started working in said shithole (a year and a half) I have taken NIL holidays because just as I was informed today...

A. The rest of the holiday period for this year has been taken up by other people I was first for me, but fine, right?

B. I was just informed that someone has managed to get themselves two weeks holidays starting tomorrow. EH?!

C. When I went back to find out if I can get some holiday since I have not had any for a year and a half. Errrrrr...I got a big fat no. As I am not priority for holiday. Apparently a load of people have holidays to take by the end of the holiday year and since I am technically part-time and the holidays include days like Christmas I have TOO FEW holiday days left for them to worry about.

D. So basically I get no holidays for a year and a half, in a job that is murdering me from my brain out, slowly day by day.


And one of the few people I do not want to kill in that job is ecstatic as she has left, another is leaving in three weeks and I go a new rejection letter from a job in my inbox. AND, yet again we lost our taxable bonus (I swear bonus' should not be taxable!)!!!




Unknown said...

I know how much you depend on this job but can't you quit? Perhaps there is something better for you out there... give it a try. Sometimes, we have to make huge decisions towards getting something better, that we really deserve.


Anonymous said...


Nsoromma...Child of the Heavens said...

Grrrrrr, indeed!

I have come close to quitting a few times but I just can't afford to. The commitments I have right now are steep.

But it is a reoccurring thing for me: The idea of just quitting cold turkey. But really do not have a safety net or contingency for that.


kay9 said...

Lol @ ''Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!''
Your venting skills are really hilarious. I really hope you get something better soon.

Nsoromma...Child of the Heavens said...


The whole grrrrr thing is a habit from my childhood. I really shud quit that!

Sankofa said...

You know I've been in the exact same position as you and I hope you remember what I did. Just tell them that your mother surprised you with plane tickets to some far-away country and therefore you must be given your holidays. It worked twice for me at that place.

Also, you have to put your foot down and tell our favourite butch manager (if she's still there) that you're clearly doing a full-time job and you would appreciate it if she would change your contract to reflect this.

Yes that jobs sucks but you know it's just a placeholder till God brings you your REAL job. But chin up!

Nsoromma...Child of the Heavens said...

I'll try and remember your advice girl as a new week starts...but the thought makes me wanna cry


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