Say a prayer for Haiti please!
What this one country has had to endure by itself is outside of enough. Since the 1990's and a whole heap of man-made problems, it seems every few years the country has to suffer some type of devastation. I'm watching the news and just crying. God, please help the people of Haiti!
I have never fully understood the wonder of social networking until now, seriously thank God, for Twitter, Facebook and Skype! Unlike what happened in New Orleans which still saddens me, it is at times like this that I am proud of the entire human race because there has been such an outpouring for these people even in these cash-strapped times. They need our prayer and our financial support too...
Prayers are free, but financially you can help in the following ways:
- Donate to UNICEF
- Donate to CARE
- Donate to Christian Aid
- US ONLY - Donate to 'Red Cross' via sms, text 'HAITI' to the International Red Cross @ 90999
- US ONLY - Donate to 'Yele Haiti' via sms, text 'YELE' to Yele Haiti's Earthquake Relief @ 501501
Other ways of helping found of facebook...
American Airlines taking doctors and nurses to Haiti for free!! Please call 212-697-9767 i /UPS IS SHIPPING ANYTHING TO HAITI UNDER 50LBS FOR FREE, PLEASE REPOST AND PASS THIS ON... / Plz help Haiti and pass this along...Red Cross needs CREOLE speaking volunteers for a 24-hr Phone Bank! Br. Wilford @ (305) 776-6900.......
LADIES, if you would like a MAKE FUFU NOT WAR T-shirt, hit up my boy Kayobi and 100% of proceeds go the help the relief effort in Haiti.
This song just reminded me that we need each other and where we can we should help one another.
'And the only thing that can save us now, is sensitivity, and compassion'...help us to help each other...
Thank you and God Bless xXx Nsoromma
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